Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (2024)

When it comes to baby led weaning breakfast time, it is really easy to get into a rut! Breakfast can quickly become ‘do you want porridge or Weetabix?’, but where is the excitement in that? Especially when it comes to a baby who is becoming increasingly inquisitive about food.

There are so many other options that are not only quick but also lot’s that can be made ahead of schedule too! When you are living in a house with 5 people on a busy school morning, having a prepped breakfast just feels like a hug! And, who wouldn’t want a hug first thing in the morning?

The Ultimate List of Baby Led Weaning First Foods Breakfast

This list is pretty extensive, and I have designed it to suit both busy mornings and lazy weekends. I have sectioned it also into oats, muffins, pancakes, loaded spoon (a great way to get your baby using cutlery), eggs, smoothies.

Baby Oat Recipes

Number one on the list has to be oats. From porridge or overnight oats, to coconut bars and oat cookies. There are so many delicious ways you can get your baby and entire family for that matter eating oats in the morning.

Good Morning Baby Breakfast Cookies

These delicious cookies never, ever last in my house. Easy for little hands to hold and really soft for little gums as well. They are super easy to make, totally delicious, are perfect for lunchboxes, and really filling too.

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Carrot Cake Overnight Oat

This is an amazing breakfast for baby led weaning! Overnight oats can be eaten both warm or straight from the fridge. There is something so different about oats made in this way, they turn into more a dessert for breakfast rather than plain old oats. Pre-load on a spoon for a baby at 6 months.

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Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (3)

Blueberry and Coconut Oat Bars

The perfect breakfast recipe for weaning babies. Once you make these oat bars you will never turn back. They are great for lazy mornings, super for little baby hands and my kids also love them in their lunch boxes too. Be warned, make a triple batch and freeze! They don’t last long!

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Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Muffin Recipes

Muffins are one of my favourite foods to give a weaning baby. You can pack a lot of goodness into a small, delicious bite. Plus they are the perfect size for those little hands too.

Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (4)

Apple and Cinnamon Super Breakfast Muffins

This is the number ONE recipe here at Baby Led Feeding. These muffins have been the very first food for literally thousands of children from all over the world. Think of them more like baked porridge bite rather than a fluffy muffin and makes lots!

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Healthy Breakfast Muffins

Aperfectsolution to eatingporridge/oats and they are so satisfying. My children love to see a few of these on a plate withsome fresh Irish strawberriesand alittlenatural yogurt on the side. It lookslike a breakfast treat, but, it really is justlot’s of healthy ingredientsdisguisedas atreat.

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Egg-Free Mango and Coconut Vegan Muffins

Every single time I post a muffin recipe, I get inundated with messages from parents asking for an egg-free option. I don’t want to just willy nilly give an egg-free version though until I have thoroughly tested it and voila there you go! Egg-Free and dairy-free muffins!

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Apple, Cinnamon, and Raisin Sugar Free Muffins

These beautifully soft and moist Apple Cinnamon and Raisin Muffins are surprisingly sweet. However, they contain no added sugar—it’s all in the fruit! As far as breakfast goes, you cannot ask for a more nutritious option. Apples and raisins are both loaded with fiber. Together, they offer heaps of vitamin C, calcium, antioxidants, iron, and more.

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Sugar Free BLW Muffins Banana, Lemon and Walnut

When it comes to baby led weaning recipe nothing really beats blw muffins. They are so soft and easy for those little hands to manage that it is no wonder they are the number one foods to start baby-led weaning for babies.

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Baby Led Weaning Pancake Recipe Ideas

Pancakes are a brilliant addition to breakfast time! The best thing is that pancakes can be frozen! Simply cook up a batch, then put a little parchment paper in-between each one and freeze. When you want to serve on a busy morning, simply put a frozen pancake into the toaster! GENIUS!

Baby Breakfast Kiwi Oat and Banana Pancakes

Oat pancakes are so amazing and I have been feeding them to Oscar since he was just 6 months old. Oats are really filling, and are also super nutritious so perfect as a healthy blw breakfast recipe.

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Baby Led Weaning Egg-Free Pancakes with Pineapple Coulis

Just because your baby is allergic to egg, doesn’t mean you can’t make pancakes – just egg free ones of course! Served with a yummy pineapple coulis, your baby is going to love these…if you leave him any 🙂

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Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (11)

Blueberry Oat Pancakes with Greek Yogurt

I’m sure we all agree that a stack of hotcakes is the ultimate comfort food, but this baby weaning recipe takes the pancake, turning a belly-warming favorite into a healthy finger food that’s refined sugar free and bursting with blueberries! It also freezes beautifully with parchment paper layered between each cake, providing you with easy school lunches and a quick breakfast on busy mornings.

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Buttermilk, Sweet Potato and Cinnamon Pancakes

Ok its breakfast time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give your baby and family a veggie loaded breakfast. These pancakes are AMAZING! You won’t even taste the sweet potato but oh it really does add something to these pancakes. Perfect for your baby from 6 months. Soft and really easy to manage too.

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Passion Fruit and Yogurt Oat Pancakes

Pancakes are one of the best first foods for babies starting baby led weaning too. To give you an idea on size, portion the batter into roughly the size of your baby’s palm when their hand is stretched out flat. Small, but super easy to manage too.

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Baby Led Weaning Pre Loaded Spoon Breakfast Ideas

How do you pre load a spoon for baby led weaning? It is really simple. Using thick, soft foods like chia pudding or greek yogurt for example. Simply dip the spoon it and let the mixture stick to it, then place the spoon in front of your baby and let her bring it to her mouth all by herself.

Berry and Coconut Chia Pudding

Trust me and make this! You and your little ones will thank me, just you wait and see. Chia pudding is like having dessert for breakfast. A healthy, protein-filled, delicious dessert that you will make time and time again.

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Ginger and Spice Apple Crumble Jars

Apple crumble is quite literally my entire family’s favourite food ever since my baby’s were even starting weaning. This crumble is soft and with the stewed apple is a perfect pre-loaded spoon recipe for baby led weaning.

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Chocolate Chia Pudding with Banana and Peanut Butter

The best part about this recipe is that it takes less than 5 minutes to prepare but you wouldn’t think it because it is so fabulous looking (if I do say so myself). What kid wouldn’t want chocolate for breakfast? Perfect for little babies starting weaning right up to Mums and Dads too.

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Baby Led Weaning Egg Recipes for Breakfast

Eggs are a super addition to the breakfast table and are especially great for babys from 6 months. The recommendation is to serve eggs unless there is a history of egg allergies. Always cook eggs well and never serve runny eggs to your baby.

Veggie Loaded Spinach, Pepper and Herb Quiche

While you will probably think of quiche as a lunch recipe, there is no reason it can’t be eaten for breakfast too. Quiche is, after all, a delicious pastry filled with egg and veggies, then topped with cheese. For baby led weaning quiche simply make them in a mini-muffin tin!

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Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (18)

Baby Led Weaning Egg Muffins

We love eggs in our house, in fact it is one of our absolutely favourite healthy breakfasts ever! But, how do you give eggs to a new baby starting baby led weaning? In little baby led weaning muffins of course! The best part about this recipe is that it is full of yummy ingredients, veggies, cheese, they are easy to pick up for little hands and boy do they taste amazing!

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Overnight Blueberry French Toast Bake

This is the perfect recipe to prepare the night before, just leave in the fridge until you are ready to cook. I usually get out of bed a little earlier, pop it in the oven then get ready for work and school. When you come downstairs, the smell! Oh, that lovely smell. This is a great breakfast recipe for baby led weaning because not only is the bread lovely and soft, but it is also really nutritious as well.

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Spanish Omelette (or rather Spanish-ish Omelette)

Amazing for your baby, especially at breakfast time. Spanish omelette is packed with yummy potato, onions and I add a good handful of fresh spinach leaves. What a super way to start the day! To serve to a 6-month-old baby simple make mini ones using a mini-muffin tin.

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Easy Peasy Baby Frittatas – Perfect breakfast for baby led weaning

This baby led weaning breakfast recipe is so easy and quick to make and just perfect for baby led weaning hands. I like to pack these frittatas with as many veggies as possible to try and always get my little ones closer to getting their 7 a day. Every veggie counts and it really puts my mind at ease when I see them munching on these yummy bites.

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French Toast with Blueberries

A delicious way of getting lots of healthy goodness into your little ones by giving them eggs, bread, and fruit altogether! Refined sugar-free and using only wholesome ingredients. For baby’s use soft, non-crusty bread and squash the blueberries 🙂

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Baby Led Weaning Smoothie Recipes for Breakfast

Smoothies in our house usually follow a wholesome breakfast. Serve a small serving of smoothie after an egg muffin or porridge muffin. I also go by the rule; mostly veggie and just sweetened with fruit rather than sweet with a little veggie added. Smoothies are great if your baby is teething especially if they have gone off their food. Add a tablespoon of oats or avocado to the mixture to make it filling and add more nutritious goodness.

Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (23)

Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie

I love, love, love green healthy smoothies, any combination. Once there is a huge handful of greens in there I will happily have one every single morning. When it comes to making smoothies I always go by the rule that it has to contain mostly vegetables and is sweetened with only a little fruit. This way it is healthy and not packed full of sugar.

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High Protein Strawberry Breakfast Smoothie

Some days you just want to wake up to something like this! A delicious breakfast smoothie that is not only delicious but is also packed with goodness. Unlike most of my other smoothies, this one contains no vegetables which are totally unlike me. However, it does contain oats, cottage cheese (don’t switch off just yet), milk and is sweetened with only a few strawberries and 1/2 a banana. Still super healthy and totally delicious.

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Kale and Pineapple Veggie Loaded Smoothie

It requires only 5 nutritious ingredients, 1 blender and takes less than 5 minutes to whip together. So super easy that you can teach your older children to make their own. Just always remember the balance of 80% veggies and base to 20% fruit and you just can’t go wrong.

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Banana and Turmeric Lassi

This recipe is also really great for teething gums. Just make a batch then freeze into little ice pop moulds. The coldness helps relieve sore gums and the anti-inflammatory properties of the turmeric will also help a little too. Also great as a side to breakfast, just serve with one of the yummy breakfast muffins or pancakes above.

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Berry and Coconut Swirl Mommy and Baby Smoothie

We call this recipe a ‘smoothie swirl’ because it is simply a mix up of 2 smoothies – a vanilla milk and a blueberry, veggie mix smoothie. It looks super impressive I think for something that took less than 10 minutes to prepare and waspresented to kids with lots of ‘oooouuu’s’ and ‘ahhhh’s’ and ‘I want to try first’. Not so bad for something that contains kale, beetroot and sweetened only with 1 banana and a few blueberries.

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If you have a favourite breakfast recipe I would love to hear from you! Or if you have any questions about getting started with baby led weaning. To get in touch simply follow me on Instagram or Facebookand send me a DM anytime! Happy Weaning!

Aileen xoxox

Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (28)

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Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+ (2024)


Baby Led Weaning Breakfast Ideas Babies 6 Months+? ›

Ground rice and semolina are smooth cereals when made up with milk. They can be mixed with breast milk or infant formula – or with full-fat cows' milk, if your baby is over 6 months old. Bread is a great option at breakfast time and you can choose different topping to help vary the range of foods your little ones has.

Can I give my 6 month old breakfast? ›

Ground rice and semolina are smooth cereals when made up with milk. They can be mixed with breast milk or infant formula – or with full-fat cows' milk, if your baby is over 6 months old. Bread is a great option at breakfast time and you can choose different topping to help vary the range of foods your little ones has.

How do I prepare my 6 month old for led weaning eggs? ›

With bite-sized pieces of hard-boiled egg, offer a small amount of breast milk, formula, or water in a cup to help baby wash down the egg, which can be challenging to manage in the mouth. Alternatively, continue to offer egg strips or mashed hard-boiled egg.

Is baby-led weaning safe at 6 months? ›

You can start baby-led weaning when your baby turns 6 months old, which is the same time you would start the more traditional method of spoon-feeding.

Can my 6 month old eat scrambled eggs? ›

You can give your baby the entire egg (yolk and white), if your pediatrician recommends it. Around 6 months, puree or mash one hard-boiled or scrambled egg and serve it to your baby. For a more liquid consistency, add breast milk or water. Around 8 months, scrambled egg pieces are a fantastic finger food.

What breakfast cereal can I give my 6 month old? ›

Yes, babies between 6 and 9 months old can eat cereal. Choose soft cereals such as an iron-fortified grain cereal or oatmeal made with breast milk, formula, or water.

Can 6 month old have pancakes? ›

6 months old +:

Adding butter or a thin spread of applesauce or yogurt to a very dry pancake can help decrease gagging. Thin-style pancakes like crepe, dosa, and injera can be shared with baby, too.

How do you cut food for 6 month old led weaning? ›

introduce solid foods from around 6 months. think about the size, shape and texture of food – cut it into narrow batons, and avoid round shapes and firm foods.

Can 6 month old eat runny eggs? ›

Raw and lightly cooked eggs

Babies can have eggs from around 6 months. If the eggs are hens' eggs and they have a red lion stamped on them, or you see a red lion with the words "British Lion Quality" on the box, it's fine for your baby to have them raw (for example, in homemade mayonnaise) or lightly cooked.

What do pediatricians think of baby-led weaning? ›

Baby-led weaning can be a big benefit for baby and the whole family. But if it's slow-going or even isn't working out, that's perfectly OK. “There are multiple healthy ways to feed your baby,” Dr. Churbock says.

What is a negative of baby-led weaning? ›

BLW has some obvious downsides. The infant may not get enough energy, iron, zinc, vitamins, and other nutrients, or too much protein, saturated fat, salt, or sugar.

How many times a day should I feed solids to my 6 month old? ›

From 6–8 months old, feed your baby half a cup of soft food two to three times a day. Your baby can eat anything except honey, which they shouldn't eat until they reach 12 months old. You can start to add a healthy snack, like mashed fruit, between meals.

What foods are best for baby-led weaning? ›

The best foods for baby-led weaning are large pieces of soft foods that are easy to grab and chew, such as banana spears, thin slices of toast, and soft-cooked meat. Here are other foods that are good to use with BLW: Well-cooked vegetable sticks, including steamed carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and beets.

What should the first BLW meal be? ›

Soft foods like oatmeal, unsweetened applesauce, and plain whole-fat yogurt and Greek yogurt are great early foods for babies.” As you start foods, remember that babies under the age of 1 shouldn't be given honey, as it can carry a risk of infant botulism.

What are the finger foods for baby-led weaning? ›

With baby-led weaning you'll want to offer food shapes and sizes that are easy for your infant to hold, so opt for cutting most things into sticks or strips about the length of your finger. For example, offer a floret of steamed broccoli, a steamed carrot stick, or a small strip of soft-cooked chicken.


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.