Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America! (2024)

Flying squirrels are true squirrels, but they don’t actually “fly”. Instead these ingenious rodents glide from tree to tree, using a membrane of thick skin stretched between their arms and legs to slow and control their fall.

On this page you’ll find amazing facts on the three flying squirrels found in North America.

Page Index

  • Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents of North America!
  • North American Flying Squirrels
  • Where Are Flying Squirrels Found In North America?
  • How Big Are Flying Squirrels?
  • Animals Related To Flying Squirrels
  • Can Flying Squirrels Really Fly?
  • How Far Can Flying Squirrels "Fly"?
  • Human Flying Squirrels
  • Flying Squirrel Anatomy
  • Glowing Squirrels
  • Flying Squirrel Life Cycle and Behavior
  • Are Flying Squirrels Nocturnal?
  • Flying Squirrel Ecology and Conservation
  • Other Mammals That Glide
  • Did Flying Animals Evolve From Gliding Animals?
  • References

Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents of North America!

If you hike through a forest in North America, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll walk through the territory of a flying squirrel. These extraordinary animals are all around us, but they live high up in the trees and are only active at night; as a result, they're rarely seen.

Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America! (1)

North American Flying Squirrels

There are 50 or so species of flying squirrels worldwide, but only three are native to North America: the northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus), southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) and Humboldt’s flying squirrel (Glaucomys oregonensis).

These three squirrels are the only living members of the genus Glaucomys, a group otherwise known as the New World Flying Squirrels.

Until recently, there were only two North American flying squirrels; Humboldt’s flying squirrel was previously considered to be a subspecies of the northern flying squirrel rather than a separate species!

Where Are Flying Squirrels Found In North America?

Northern flying squirrels are found in in Alaska and all parts of Canada, as well as colder and more mountainous parts of the U.S. such as Idaho, Montana, and the Great Lakes region.

Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America! (2)

The southern flying squirrel lives all over the eastern United States, its range stretching from Minnesota in the north to Texas in the south, and all states east of this line.

Humboldt’s flying squirrel is found in forests along the west coast of North America from southern Canada to southern California.

How Big Are Flying Squirrels?

Southern flying squirrels are tiny: around 5 inches long and 2-3 oz in weight. Northern flying squirrels are slightly bigger, at around 6 inches long and 5oz in weight. Humboldt’s flying squirrels are slightly smaller than northern flying squirrels.

Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America! (3)

Although “flying” is a misnomer, “squirrel” is spot on. The North American flying squirrels belong to the squirrel family Sciuridae, alongside the familiar grey and red squirrels. Also in this family are chipmunks, marmots, and prairie dogs.

Like all squirrels, flying squirrels are rodents, which means their front teeth never stop growing. To keep tooth growth under control, the squirrels gnaw on hard foods like nuts and seeds – and the constant growth ensures that the teeth will still be there no matter how much the animal grinds them down!

  • You can find out more about rodents on this page: Rodent Facts

Instead of true wings, the flying squirrel has a membrane called a patagium that runs from its wrists down to its feet. When the squirrel spreads its limbs, the membrane stretches out like a parachute, slowing its fall and giving it some measure of control over its direction.

Can Flying Squirrels Really Fly?

The word “flying” in the name of the flying squirrel is misleading. A flying squirrel doesn’t actually fly; it glides.

Unlike true flying animals, gliding animals are unable to gain height under their own power. Instead, they leap from a tree and use their “wings” to prolong their fall and travel in a controlled manner. For this reason, a gliding animal can’t take off from the ground.

Flying animals are able to flap their wings in order to increase their height; most can therefore take off from the ground. The only living flying animals are birds, bats, and insects. A fourth group, the pterosaurs, lived during the Mesozoic Era.

How Far Can Flying Squirrels "Fly"?

By holding its limbs in different shapes, the squirrel can turn, accelerate, or slow down its glide. It's amazing adaptations allow a flying squirrel to travel almost 150 feet in a single leap!

You can see how a flying squirrel glides in the videos below:

Human Flying Squirrels

Inspired by flying squirrels, skydivers in the 1990s created a suit called a wingsuit or “squirrel suit” designed to let a human being experience freeform gliding. The suit has flexible “wings” that extend from wrist to ankles, exactly like the patagium of a flying squirrel.

Squirrel suit designers still haven’t figured out how to land safely, though: near the bottom of the glide, a person in a squirrel suit has to open a parachute to slow their fall, and even then, it takes a lot of practice to operate the suit safely. It will likely be years before someone invents a suit as effective as a flying squirrel’s patagium.

Flying Squirrel Anatomy

Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America! (4)

Like any gliding animal, the flying squirrel has to minimize weight and maximize horizontal surface area. Every square inch of additional flight surface gives the squirrel a little more lift and lets it glide a little more efficiently. Most of the flying squirrel’s flight surface comes from its large patagium.

In order to maximize the size of the patagium, flying squirrels have evolved the longest limbs of any squirrel (in proportion to body size). They also have a little spur of cartilage on each wrist that stretches the patagium just a little further.

In addition to the patagium, flying squirrels also have a broad, flat tail, which gives them more lift. The tail can also be an effective brake: by holding it down, the animal slows its glide and softens the landing.

A smaller membrane called the uropatagium runs from the ankles to the base of the tail.

Glowing Squirrels

One particularly odd characteristic of the North American flying squirrel is that it glows pink. Under black light (UV light), both northern and southern flying squirrels give off bright pink fluorescence.

This discovery was made by accident in 2017 and only published in 2019, so scientists are still working on figuring out the function of the pinkish glow. But it is probably connected to their nocturnal lifestyle: the fluorescence may help flying squirrels see each other in the dark. Or it might deter predators by mimicking the fluorescence of other animals (many owls, for example, have UV fluorescence).

We barely understand this phenomenon at all – all we can say is that it’s common to all North American flying squirrels and exists only in one other mammal that we know of (the opossum).

Flying Squirrel Life Cycle and Behavior

Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America! (5)

Flying squirrels are hard to locate, let alone study, so we don’t know much about their behavior in the wild. But observations suggest that both northern and southern flying squirrels are partially social: they sometimes group with other individuals and sometimes go it alone.

Scientists call this pattern “facultative sociality,” meaning each individual can decide whether to be social at a given time.

It’s not entirely clear what pushes a flying squirrel to join or leave a social group.

Female flying squirrels are less social when they have young kits at the nest, which makes sense: if you have your own babies to feed, you might be less willing to share your territory and its food resources with others.

Male flying squirrels are not strongly territorial. That sets them apart from other squirrel species, which have highly aggressive and territorial males (a lot of the squirrel chatter that you hear in the park is made by territorial males yelling at each other).

In general, a lack of territoriality in males often indicates a complex mating system in which both males and females have multiple partners (called “polygynandry”). But so far no one has figured out the mating system of North American flying squirrels, so we can’t be sure if that’s the case here.

Although the exact mating system is unknown, reports suggest that southern flying squirrels mate twice a year, whereas northern flying squirrels mate only once. This is probably connected to regional climate: for the northern species, having young would be extremely risky during the harsh winter months. Further south, the conditions are suitable for raising young all year round.

Are Flying Squirrels Nocturnal?

Flying squirrels are almost completely nocturnal; their large eyes are an adaptation for seeing at night. Like some other nocturnal animals, flying squirrels have lost the genes that enable color vision: their eyes are highly sensitive to small fluctuations in the strength of light, but completely insensitive to its wavelength, or color.

Flying Squirrel Ecology and Conservation

Flying squirrels are major seed dispersers. Because they travel such large distances, they leave droppings over a wide area, and those droppings often contain seeds or spores that will grow into the next generation of forest plants.

Flying squirrels are omnivorous. Like other squirrels, they eat nuts and acorns, but they also include a high proportion of fungi in their diet. Flying squirrels will also eat small amounts of meat, especially scavenged carcasses of birds or small mammals.

Flying squirrels need large areas to roam in search of food – that’s why they evolved gliding in the first place. Unfortunately, this makes them vulnerable to deforestation and habitat fragmentation.

A flying squirrel population can’t survive if the trees are cut down, or if the forest is broken up into small, isolated chunks with no suitable corridors between them.

Because they’re so cute, flying squirrels are sometimes illegally trapped and sold on the international pet market. The animals are not in danger of extinction, but they are protected by law because of their ecological importance. In addition–like all wild animals–they make terrible pets.

Other Mammals That Glide

Few mammals are capable of gliding, and those that have acquired this skill are not closely related.

Aside from flying squirrels, the best-known gliding mammals are sugar gliders. These small marsupials are found in Australia.

  • You can find out more about sugar gliders on this page: Sugar Glider Facts

A handful of other Australian marsupials have also evolved the ability to glide, as have the flying lemurs, or colugos, of Madagascar, and the Anomalures of Africa. The latter group, despite being known as scaly-tailed flying squirrels, are not true squirrels.

Because the gliding mammals are so spread out on the tree of life, we know that gliding has evolved multiple times independently. This can be seen as proof of the effectiveness of gliding as an adaptation.

Research suggests that gliding tends to evolve when an animal (1) lives in trees, (2) has a relatively low-quality diet that lacks energy-rich food, and (3) needs to cover large distances to find food.

Because of their relatively energy-poor diet, these animals have to be very careful how they get around. Rather than making multiple tree-to-tree leaps, or climbing down one tree and climbing up another, gliders can simply spread their arms and cover a large distance… a much more energy-efficient way of getting around!

Did Flying Animals Evolve From Gliding Animals?

What about flight? Did it evolve from gliding? For a long time, scientists thought so. They assumed gliders and fliers should be closely related. It makes sense intuitively: first you evolve gliding, then some subset of animals goes one better and evolves true flight.

Under that assumption, it was believed that bats were close relatives of some gliding mammals. But DNA evidence shows that’s probably not true.

Bats’ closest genetic relatives are, of all things, horses and whales. So, the ancestors of bats may well have been gliders, but those ancestors are long since extinct, and no gliding mammal today is a close cousin of the bats.


Byrnes, G., & Spence, A. J. (2011). Ecological and Biomechanical Insights into the Evolution of Gliding in Mammals. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 51(6), 991–1001.

Kohler, A. M., Olson, E. R., Martin, J. G., & Anich, P. S. (2019). Ultraviolet fluorescence discovered in New World flying squirrels (Glaucomys). Journal of Mammalogy, 100(1), 21–30.

Smith, J. R., Van Vuren, D. H., Kelt, D. A., & Johnson, M. L. (2011). Spatial Organization of Northern Flying Squirrels, Glaucomys sabrinus: Territoriality in Females? Western North American Naturalist, 71(1), 44–48.

Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America! (2024)


Flying Squirrels Facts: Meet The Gliding Rodents Of North America!? ›

All flying squirrels have a membrane made of fur that stretches from the wrist to the ankle and acts as a parachute when it leaps from a tree. Using the patagium and their tail, they are able to steer while gliding with flights recorded up to 300 feet. Wow, that's a long way! They can also rotate 180 degrees.

Do flying squirrels actually fly or do they glide? ›

Flying squirrels might more appropriately be called “gliding squirrels” because they aren't capable of true powered flight that a bird or a bat can do. Flying squirrels glide. They have a special membrane between their front and back legs that allows them to glide through the air between trees.

How far can a flying squirrel glide? ›

Interesting Facts: Depending on the air current, flying squirrels may glide 150 feet or more from a height of 60 feet. They can turn easily at right angles while gliding and control the direction of their glide by tensing and turning their legs and body and flapping their tail.

What unique features allow flying squirrels to glide through the air? ›

Central to the gliding ability of flying squirrels is their distinctive anatomy, characterized by a patagium — a specialized membrane stretching between the forelimbs and hindlimbs — allowing them to generate lift and control their glide trajectory.

What are the problems with flying squirrels? ›

Are flying squirrels dangerous? Flying squirrels are not a danger to people, however that are considered to be dangerous to your property. When squirrels get into homes they can chew through and damage wires, pipes, drywall and insulation. The destruction from flying squirrels can lead to fire and water damage.

How intelligent are flying squirrels? ›

Despite their diminutive stature, Southern Flying Squirrels exude a remarkable intelligence and endearing personality, forging profound bonds with their human companions. However, due to their shy nature, encountering these elusive creatures in the wild remains a rare privilege.

What is the lifespan of a flying squirrel? ›

Southern flying squirrels in the wild can live to 5 or 6 years old. In captivity they have been known to live up to 10 years. Most flying squirrels probably die in their first year of life.

Do flying squirrels cuddle? ›

Flying squirrels don't hibernate through the winter, but they do slow down their metabolism to conserve resources. Social creatures, they'll also curl up in nests with up to 20 other flying squirrels to keep warm, in one massive cuddle of cuteness. They can be huge!

Where do flying squirrels sleep? ›

Over their long history that spans at least 25 million years, flying squirrels preferred to nest in old-growth forests where snags (standing dead trees) and large trees with hollow cavities were plentiful.

Are flying squirrels friendly? ›

Much like sugar gliders, flying squirrels make affectionate pets when purchased young and raised by their owner.

Can flying squirrels swim? ›

Yes, flying squirrels can swim, although swimming is not a common activity for them.

Do flying squirrels glow in the dark? ›

Scientists know how flying squirrels glow in the dark– fluorescent pigments in its fur–but they don't know why. Especially when some of its main predators, such as the great horned owl, are capable of seeing UV light.

What unique feature allows a flying squirrel to glide through the air? ›

These large eyes grant them an advantage when foraging or evading predators during their nighttime activities. Another distinguishing attribute of flying squirrels is their furry membrane called a patagium. This specialized structure extends between their limbs and enables them to glide through the air with ease.

What are 3 interesting facts about flying squirrels? ›

A cartilaginous rod that extends from the wrist supports the front part of each membrane alongside the body. Flying squirrels are long-limbed and slender and have large eyes; the long, bushy tail may be cylindrical or flattened. Their dense fur is soft and long and either silky or woolly in texture.

Are flying squirrels aggressive? ›

Are they dangerous? Flying squirrels are not dangerous and pose no health hazard. They're not aggressive but they do have sharp teeth.

How fast can a flying squirrel fly? ›

Typically, flying squirrels will glide about 150 feet without touching land but they are capable of soaring even up to 500 feet. Flying squirrels can glide at an average speed of 30mph before making a landing and have been known to hit speeds as high as 35mph.

How long do flying squirrels live? ›

Southern flying squirrels in the wild can live to 5 or 6 years old. In captivity they have been known to live up to 10 years. Most flying squirrels probably die in their first year of life.

What are some fun facts about Siberian flying squirrels for kids? ›

While soaring, a flying squirrel can zig and zag by moving its arms and legs. It can even do a U-turn in mid-air! Its tail helps it steer, too, and acts as a brake during landing. A flying squirrel can glide more than 150 feet.


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