Tooth Fairy (2024)

Tooth Fairy (1)

Exhibition Details

An Arcanist artwork completed on November 27th. It was first exhibited in the 1990s and has remained on display for 25 years. Originally on display in Cheshire, Great Britain, it's currently touring the world.

Tooth Fairy (牙仙) is a Star Arcanist in Reverse: 1999.

Tooth Fairy works for the Foundation, looking after young Arcanists, taking care of their teeth, and dealing with anything that requires the assistance of a doctor.


  • 1 Statistics
  • 2 Upgrades
  • 3 Incantations
  • 4 Items
  • 5 Story
  • 6 Birthday Letter
  • 7 Wilderness Conversation
  • 8 Availability
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Navigation


Basic Statistics

Base Lvl.

Max Lvl.

Insight I
Max Lvl.

Insight II
Max Lvl.

Insight III
Max Lvl.

Tooth Fairy (2) Attack2513816399521120
Tooth Fairy (3) Health13752087349952176138
Tooth Fairy (4) Real DEF116176294438515
Tooth Fairy (5) Mental DEF131198332495582
Tooth Fairy (6) Technique313313354396438

Special Statistics



Insight I

Insight II

Insight III

Tooth Fairy (7) Crit. Rate10.4%11.8%13.2%14.5%
Tooth Fairy (8) Crit. DMG145.7%147.7%149.8%151.8%


  • Effects

  • Materials

Baby Tooth Collector
Inheritance Effects

Tooth Fairy (9)When entering battle, instantly gains 3 [Baby Tooth]. When any team member actively uses a character incantation, collects 1 [Baby Tooth]. At the start of the round, consumes 5 [Baby Tooth] to reduce the enemy team's Critical Resist and Critical DEF by 15%. Lasts 1 round. (Cannot trigger if Baby Tooth are insufficient.)
Tooth Fairy (10)When entering battle, Healing Done +10%.
Tooth Fairy (11)When triggering the [Baby Tooth] Stats Down effect, all allies recover 10% of missing HP. When entering battle, gains an additional 2 [Baby Tooth].
Baby Tooth: At 5 stacks, is consumed at the start of the round and triggers special effect.
Portrait Effects
Lvl. 1Song for the Bad Tooth: Mental DMG increased to 600%.
Lvl. 2Baby Tooth Collector: Critical Resist and Critical DEF decrease +1 round for target.
Lvl. 3Empty Gums: At Incantation rank 1/2/3, Mental DMG increased to 170/280/500%.
Lvl. 4Lullaby: At Incantation rank 1/2/3, HP +(the caster's ATK x90/135/225%) for all allies.
Lvl. 5Baby Tooth Collector: Critical Resist and Critical DEF -25% for target.
Upgrade Materials
Insight IInsight IIInsight III

Tooth Fairy (12)


Tooth Fairy (13)


Tooth Fairy (14)


Tooth Fairy (15)


Tooth Fairy (16)


Tooth Fairy (17)


Tooth Fairy (18)


Tooth Fairy (19)


Tooth Fairy (20)


Tooth Fairy (21)


Tooth Fairy (22)


Tooth Fairy (23)


Max Lvl.

Insight I
Max Lvl.

Insight II
Max Lvl.

Insight III
Max Lvl.

Tooth Fairy (24)


Tooth Fairy (25)


Tooth Fairy (26)


Tooth Fairy (27)


Tooth Fairy (28)


Tooth Fairy (29)


Tooth Fairy (30)


Tooth Fairy (31)



Tooth Fairy (32)


A tooth and a song drift into children's dreams, sweet as golden wing dust.


Tooth Fairy (33)
Empty Gums

Arcane Skill

✦✧✧"Ф The taste of rust."
1-target attack. Deals 150% Mental DMG and inflicts 1 stack of [Confusion] on the target. Lasts 1 round.
Tooth Fairy (34)
✦✦✧"Ф The taste of rust creeps down your throat."
1-target attack. Deals 250% Mental DMG and inflicts 1 stack of [Confusion] on the target. Lasts 1 round.
Tooth Fairy (35)
✦✦✦"Ф The taste of rust creeps down your throat. They shriek and flee from sight."
1-target attack. Deals 450% Mental DMG and inflicts 1 stack of [Confusion] on the target. Lasts 1 round.
Tooth Fairy (36)
Confusion: Critical Resist -25% (can stack; each stack is timed independently).
Tooth Fairy (37)

Arcane Skill

✦✧✧"Ф In the dead of night, the glorious sounds of nature surround."
Mass healing. HP +(the caster's ATK x80%) for all allies. This healing effect gains an additional 30% Critical Rate.
Tooth Fairy (38)
✦✦✧"Ф In the dead of night, the glorious sounds of nature surround. The obedient children fall into a deep sleep."
Mass healing. HP +(the caster's ATK x120%) for all allies. This healing effect gains an additional 30% Critical Rate.
Tooth Fairy (39)
✦✦✦"Ф In the dead of night, the glorious sounds of nature surround. The little tooth thief is ready to make her move."
Mass healing. HP +(the caster's ATK x200%) for all allies. This healing effect gains an additional 30% Critical Rate.
Tooth Fairy (40)
Tooth Fairy (41)
Song for the Bad Tooth


"Ф This was never their choice. They still harbor resentment."
1-target attack. Deals 500% Mental DMG. This attack has a +30% Critical Rate. After the attack scores a critical hit, purifies [Stats Down], [Neg Status], and [Control] statuses from all allies.


  • Default

  • Bagel



Glass Jar


Baby Tooth Necklace


Tooth Fairy (42)Tooth Fairy (43)Tooth Fairy (44)
Custom metal braces offering a fair balance between functionality and convenience—simple and secure enough to defend against any threat. For her, this is ideal.An old, worn glass jar with an aluminum lid that once contained jam or perhaps pickles. Nothing else is known to effectively contain the winged tooth fairies. It's a commonplace item, but ingenious uses can be found for it with enough imagination.These teeth were extracted from different mouths.
Small, fine, and with pristine white enamel, their beauty is more befitting of a necklace than a string of pearls.
Sports Headband


An Extra Hand


Aluminum Orthodontic Headgear


Tooth Fairy (45)Tooth Fairy (46)Tooth Fairy (47)
A headband emitting a bright sheen to hold back flowing long hair. It keeps trivial and distracting things behind the shoulders, allowing the spectators to focus their gaze on this small, glowing yellow dot. Undoubtedly a pioneering attempt to turn sports into a form of beauty.A racket with a silver-plated toothfairy emblem and natural catgut strings. Its tension is extraordinary, but its lack of durability and high price deter many athletes. This must be one of her trump cards.An outward portable chin protector, ensuring tight closure of the lips while allowing maximum relaxation of the neck and jaw.
Those little things probably can't keep up with her.


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  • 02

  • 03

Treatment Of Tooth Decay


People have long paid close attention to teeth. As far back as ancient Egypt, people were already coming up with ways to protect and care for their teeth. In ancient Greece in the time of Pericles, Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine", wrote down the treatment of tooth decay and gum disease.
The electric dental drill was first patented in the 1870s.
In 1905, a German scientist first synthesized the local anesthetic drug procaine.
But none of this has anything to do with the seven-year-old Tooth Fairy.
She was just a child plagued by tooth aches. The agonizing pain was like a congenital curse. Curled up on her side alone with her eyes open wide, she quietly endured countless eight-hour countdowns—until she saw that little thing making off with a baby tooth from beneath her pillow.
Without a moment's hesitation, she reached out and caught the little creature by the belly between her fingers. It struggled persistently, sprinkling her arm in wing dust, but that didn't matter. She instinctively inserted it into her mouth. The wings melted on her tongue, releasing an aroma of gardenia mixed with peppermint oil. Then came the body—sour at first, but it then gave way to the alarming sweetness of slightly spoiled raspberries.

She ate slowly—or was it quickly? She'd already lost track of the time.
When she finally emerged from the sensation, the tooth aches were gone. She knew her teeth would never hurt again.
Tooth Fairy quietly lay back down upon the downy bed. She licked the glittering scale dust from her hand, recalling the tooth fairy's taste as it burst in her mouth. She remembered how it cursed her to have all her teeth stolen until she was left a miserable old crone. But she wasn't concerned. "I have to become a dentist," she thought. "I have to let every Arcanist taste this.

Her Collections


Republic of France, Paris
Human child, upper right first baby molar

Republic of France, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Albino Olitiau, lower-right twelfth fang

Republic of Poland, Lower Vistula River
European bison, third pair of incisors

Kingdom of Sweden, Lake Vänern
Nordic deer woman, upper left incisor


Tooth Fairy's Rules


Pandora Wilson: Hello, Miss Campbell.
Tooth Fairy: Hello. You can call me \"Tooth Fairy\".
Pandora Wilson: Ah, yes, I'm familiar with the title. Though, I'm surprised that you'd go by the same name as those spirits. I was under the impression that you were on hostile terms.
Tooth Fairy: Perhaps. But I don't feel that way about them.
Tooth Fairy: They single-mindedly collect teeth and strictly follow their own rules, that's all. I capture, keep, and kill them to make medicine... But in a way, I admire their approach.
Pandora Wilson: It seems you've formed a unique relationship.
Tooth Fairy: I don't deny that.
Pandora Wilson: So, are you simply inclined to go by this name, or do you resent your family name?
Pandora Wilson: Some people born to Arcanist families certainly feel that way. And to my knowledge—I mean no offense in saying this—the Campbells has always held a... delicate position.
Tooth Fairy: No offense taken.
Tooth Fairy: I'm well aware of the Campbell family's methodology.

Birthday Letter[]

1: After ensuring all the toothfairy cans were tightly sealed, Tooth Fairy removed her braces and sang a delightful birthday song.
2: Despite the sugary buttercream cake being the arch-nemesis of teeth, on this once-a-year occasion, Tooth Fairy will still partake with joyful indulgence.
3: Tooth Fairy will accept any birthday gift—even a big box of candies. After all, it's not every day that someone presents a genuine tooth as a present.

Wilderness Conversation[]

「Tooth Fairy Wilderness Conversation」
Tooth Fairy (48)Miss Vertin.
Sorry, I think I lost a new baby tooth somewhere around here.
Have you seen it, by any chance?"
What's it looks like?
What's it looks like? Tooth Fairy (49)
Tooth Fairy (50) It looks just like the healthy baby tooth you once had.
You mean... This?
You mean... This? Tooth Fairy (51)
Tooth Fairy (52) Oh, yes. Maybe you have what it takes to be a tooth fairy.


  • Permanent Arcanist Summon Pool (after 1.5)
  • The Fairies Shining at Night Rate Up Summon


  • Her surname, Campbell, is a reference to John Menzies Campbell, a Scottish dentist and dental historian who became a collector of dental books, paintings and dental instruments. This might be one of the inspirations for Tooth Fairy being a collector too, though for actual teeth.
  • Her udimo (suitcase form) is an Egyptian plover, a bird known for its dentist-like relationship with crocodiles. The plover feeds on the leftover meat lodged between the crocodile's teeth, while the crocodile gets its teeth cleaned and free from infection.
  • The lullaby she's singing in her ultimate, the Nightmare at Green Lake event story, and the Campbell EP is based on a well-known nursery rhyme/folk song Ring a Ring o' Roses.


Other Star Arcanists

Tooth Fairy (53)

Tooth Fairy (54)

Tooth Fairy (55)

Tooth Fairy (56)

Tooth Fairy (57)

Tooth Fairy (58)

Tooth Fairy (59)

Tooth Fairy (60)

Tooth Fairy (61)

Tooth Fairy (62)

Tooth Fairy (63)

Tooth Fairy (64)

Tooth Fairy (65)

Tooth Fairy (66)

Tooth Fairy (67)

Tooth Fairy (68)

Tooth Fairy (69)

Tooth Fairy (70)

Tooth Fairy (71)

Tooth Fairy (72)

Tooth Fairy (73)

Tooth Fairy (74)

Tooth Fairy (75)

Tooth Fairy (76)

Tooth Fairy (77)

Tooth Fairy (78)

Tooth Fairy (79)

Tooth Fairy (80)

Tooth Fairy (81)

Tooth Fairy (82)

Tooth Fairy (83)

Tooth Fairy (84)

Tooth Fairy (85)

Tooth Fairy (86)

Tooth Fairy (87)

Tooth Fairy (88)

Tooth Fairy (89)

Tooth Fairy (90)

Tooth Fairy (91)

Tooth Fairy (92)

Tooth Fairy (2024)


How to answer is the Tooth Fairy real? ›

Follow Your Child's Lead

A great way to determine the answer is to respond, "Why do you ask?" or "What do you think?" If he or she seems ready for the truth, give it to them. However, if they want to hold on to the story a bit longer, simply say, "Well, I absolutely believe in the magic of the tooth fairy!"

How to answer what the Tooth Fairy does with teeth? ›

Other versions of the folklore say she builds castles with the teeth, she crushes and makes fairy dust with the teeth that are not so clean, she places teeth in the sky so they shine as brightly as stars, and that she makes them into pretty jewellery which she gives out as gifts.

How much money should the Tooth Fairy leave? ›

According to a survey, the national average is $4.57 per tooth. In some households, the Tooth Fairy may leave a small amount of money, while in others, the reward might be more substantial.

What should the Tooth Fairy note say? ›

In her letter, the tooth fairy might want to: Congratulate your child on looking after their tooth so well. This is a perfect time to remind your child of good dental hygiene. Saying that you have noticed they are clearly brushing twice a day and flossing might be a good reminder!

When should I tell my kid the Tooth Fairy isn't real? ›

It can be difficult to determine an appropriate age to tell kids the truth about the tooth fairy. Children typically start to question whether the tooth fairy is real between the ages of 4 and 7. If a child is younger than 4, it might be wise to conceal the truth for a little while longer.

Is 11 too old to believe in Tooth Fairy? ›

"There is no such thing as being too old to believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy," Kelman tells Yahoo Life. "Letting kids figure it out on their own is preferable to parents breaking the news to them.

When do kids stop believing in tooth fairy? ›

While the last baby teeth generally aren't lost until age ten or 11, most children stop believing in the tooth fairy by the time they're seven or eight. Of course, children are more than happy to play along with the game when there's money at stake!

Is the Tooth Fairy real or is it your parents? ›

They point out that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of the tooth fairy. Additionally, some parents admit to playing the role of the tooth fairy themselves, further fueling doubts about its reality.

Is $5 too much for Tooth Fairy? ›

The average going rate for a tooth is about five dollars in the US. However, there's no set amount that the Tooth Fairy should give. It really depends on what you're comfortable with and what you believe is a reasonable gift for your child.

What does the Tooth Fairy pay in 2024? ›

The line is blue and is shaded transparent blue underneath, showing a range of $1.60 in 2001 up to a high of $6.23 in 2023 and back down to $5.84 in 2024. For the first time since 2019, the tooth fairy is paying less for lost teeth than the year before.

What to do when the Tooth Fairy has no money? ›

If you have some time to prepare (those teeth can be wiggly for quite a while) save up a secret stash of small, inexpensive toys, sticker sheets, school supplies, and Dollar Store trinkets. While not free, these inexpensive gifts can be more special than cash because they're from the Tooth Fairy.

Does the Tooth Fairy leave a note or just money? ›

The Tooth Fairy brings children money or a small toy before she flies off to an undisclosed location. Some children write letters to the Tooth Fairy, while other families have the Tooth Fairy leave letters encouraging better oral hygiene. It doesn't matter if you are a good kid or bad.

What do you say when the Tooth Fairy forgets to come? ›

If the Tooth Fairy forgot to come collect, then tell your little one that everyone needs a day off. Even if they were slightly disappointed, just let them know that the day the Fairy chooses is always random and it just means they will come the next day. That will give them one more day of anticipation.

Is the Tooth Fairy real or is it? ›

They point out that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of the tooth fairy. Additionally, some parents admit to playing the role of the tooth fairy themselves, further fueling doubts about its reality.

How do you call the real Tooth Fairy? ›

Parents and guardians can call the Tooth Fairy Hotline toll-free at 1-833-FAIRY-WA for their children, and select from the four messages.

When to tell your kid Santa isn't real? ›

But the age range of when kids start to ask questions is around 7 to 10 – the average age of when kids figure out Santa isn't real is 8 years old. If you've been saying to your child Santa is real, when you tell them the truth about Santa is going to be based on your child and the questions they ask.

How to tell your child the Easter Bunny isn't real? ›

You might tell your child: “Even though there's no actual Easter bunny, the magic of Easter is really about doing all the fun things together with our family and friends, and showing each other we love them by giving chocolate gifts.”


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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